A Colombia Birding Adventure — June Program Meeting via Zoom
Tuesday, June 9, at 7 PM KAS will hold its first-ever Zoom Program Meeting, and you’re invited!
To attend, sign up BEFORE TUESDAY from your computer, tablet, or smartphone at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdATwaMiRbTjHuFhWmPJnkDDSygbNF7YzACZNkKrouJWME-9w/viewform.
Need more instructions or help? We’re holding a “practice” Zoom meeting the evening before, June 8, at 7 PM; click here to see our separate meeting announcement for details and some basic Zoom instructions.

Christopher Colonje, photographer, tour leader, and birder since 2009, will guide us as we experience the exotic birds and amazing habitats of Colombia.
Christopher and his team at Colombia Birdwatch (colombiabirdwatch.com) literally put Colombia on the map as a premier birding country. He has hosted members of the National Audubon staff and several KAS members. Christopher and his family operate an Eco lodge, Araucana Lodge, near the city of Cali. He also has a residence in Oregon. Education: Humboldt State University.
Our June 9 program will take you on a virtual birding tour of southwestern Colombia, including the Choco region and cloud forests where Frank Chapman logged more than 250 species during his three month visit in the early 1900’s. Chris will weave an illustrated journey through the emergence of bird tourism, conservation, and networking in modern Colombia.
We hope you enjoy the program!
–Kern Audubon Society Board of Directors