Kern Audubon Society Events
Calendar of Events
Click on any event for more details. Click on the ‘Month’ tab to see a calendar view.
Kern Audubon Society usually meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7PM. After a short period for announcements, introductions, etc., a program is presented by an outstanding person(s) in the field of conservation, ornithology, ecology, history, or biology. Generally, the programs are accompanied by PowerPoint, slide, or other media and there is usually a lively discussion and question and answer period.
After the program, there are refreshments and a 50/50 raffle. In addition to a fun time, the raffles are important source of funding for our Chapter.
Unless noted otherwise, meetings will be in the Kern Superintendent of Schools Office at 17th and L Streets. There is free parking on the street or in the parking structure north of the building. Meetings are open to the public and there is no admission charge.
Did you miss a program?
Some of our programs held on Zoom have been recorded. Visit our YouTube page to watch.
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Field Trips
Interested in taking field trips to interesting places in Kern County, to see birds, wildlife, and habitats? Kern County has a great variety of birds: a recent publication by Audubon California, Important Bird Areas, indicates 13 different places in the county that have special bird populations, based either on size or variety of the bird population or presence of protected species.
Kern Audubon usually conducts field trips on weekday mornings, Saturday, and occasionally on Sunday. Beginning birders are welcome! Experienced members will help you learn to identify birds. We try to schedule trips either to new sites, or to places we’ve visited before. In the past 12 months we have made trips to Kern National Wildlife Refuge, Wind Wolves Preserve, Tule Elk State Reserve, Poso Creek, Lake Ming/Hart Park, the Kern Water Bank, Kern River Preserve, Butterbredt Spring, Galileo Hill, Atwell Island Restoration Project, Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Carrizo Plain National Monument, and others.
Information about where to meet for each field trip will be announced on the website and by emails. Carpooling is encouraged and in some instances required due to the type of field trip and parking conditions at the site. Bring binoculars, bird guides, snacks, drinks, warm or cool clothes. Sunscreen and insect repellent may be needed. The chapter does have extra binoculars that can be borrowed on field trips.