Kern Audubon Society Membership
Join Kern Audubon Society!
Kern Audubon Society protects important habitat, advocates for conservation, educates underprivileged youth, and connects our local community with birds and nature through public programs. By joining Kern Audubon, you can be a part of this and will be providing funding for: conservation projects, educational science camps, informative programs at monthly meetings, habitat restoration/protection, and field trips.
Greetings to all fellow birders and KAS members:
We look forward to an outstanding 2023-2024. BIRDS MATTER! Our emphasis is LOCAL. You can help us focus on the birds and people of Kern County by joining Kern Audubon Society as your primary membership. Using the membership form on this page, you have the opportunity to join Kern Audubon at a variety of levels. Please consider local support by using this, our new Membership Form. (Note: When you join only National Audubon, less than 25% of your membership fee stays LOCAL.)
Thank you for support of KAS,
Members of the Executive Board
You can easily become a member one of two ways:
1. By Mail
Print this form (PDF), fill out the information, and make your check payable to Kern Audubon Society. Send completed form and your check to:
Kern Audubon
P.O. Box 3581
Bakersfield, CA 93385
2. Online Form and Payment
Fill out the form below and click the ‘Buy Now’ button at the bottom to complete.

Remember: Birds Matter!