Kern Audubon Society Zoom General Meeting
Tuesday, February 2, 7 PM
Behind the Feathers—Their Color and Function
Birds sport a bewildering variety of feathers in a rainbow of colors and a near endless assortment of sizes and shapes.
Let Gary Lindquist take you from bewildered to impressed and amazed as he discusses feather coloration by pigmentation, structure and iridescence and explains how feather shape tells us where on a bird we might find a particular feather and how it’s used.
The Speaker:
Gary Lindquist, a retired veterinarian and nature photographer, is based out of California’s Central Valley and primarily “focuses” on birds of North America. He has enthusiastically birded since childhood, and has shared his passion for birding by planning and leading field trips for our local Audubon Society for over ten years. He also claims to enjoy delivering PowerPoint presentations about birds to garden clubs, social organizations, and local Audubon Societies like ours.
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